Provence Poiriers

Today’s post is an homage to a long-admired home, Le Mas des Poiriers, better known as Provence Poiriers. Le Mas des Poiriers is an 18th century farmhouse in Provence, located on an island in the Rhone River near the Medieval city of Avignon. The property is located on 65 acres to offer true seclusion and privacy. The Le Mas des Poiriers buildings have been thoughtfully restored and decorated in the relaxed, traditional Provence style by designer Susan B. Long, an incredible interior designer who is based out of Dallas! The Le Mas des Poiriers gardens were completely and thoughtfully re-done in 2017 by acclaimed garden designer, Dominique Lafourcade in a traditional Provencal style and feature a variety of different environments in each area surrounding the house. Provence Style showcases the best of the region, with Shauna Varvel’s quintessential 18th-century Rhône valley farmhouse—Le Mas des Poiriers—as its centerpiece.

Le Mas de Poiriers owner Shauna Varvel shares a bit about the journey of the property on her website, excerpt below:  

“Living outside New York City, I was always enchanted by photos of Provence, the idyllic countryside, picturesque markets and simple way of life. My husband and I decided to take our five children to spend a month in the French countryside, renting a charming home in the middle of a vineyard. That summer was everything we hoped it would be. Life was slower and more intentional. Days were spent shopping for fresh cheese, bread and produce at the markets, picking grapes and relaxing by the pool. Time together happened naturally and we enjoyed spending time as a family.

After that first trip we visited almost every summer for ten years before stumbling upon our own piece of Provence. We rented what would become Le Mas des Poiriers, a 65-acre pear farm on an island in the Rhone River. I fell in love with Le Mas des Poiriers, but the house needed a lot of work and it would be a big project for an American living outside of France. In May of 2015 we began the long process of purchasing the property. I decided to take on the massive job of renovating the entire house while respecting the integrity of the original construction, working with many talented craftspeople and french artisans.

Three years later, we finished the house and have enjoyed settling in and becoming part of the Provençal landscape.”

They home has been heavily featured in publications including Veranda and House and Garden UK.